Ron Yang

I am an Assistant Professor in Strategy and Business Economics at the University of British Columbia's Sauder School of Business

My research focuses on industrial organization and transportation economics.

CV: Link (Updated July 2023)


Working Papers

(Don't) Take Me Home: Home Preference and the Effect of Self-Driving Trucks on Interstate Trade (Updated May 23, 2023) [Paper

Economies of Scale and Scope in Railroading (with Pedro Degiovanni) [Paper]

Geographic Imbalance, Search Frictions, and Regulation: Causes of Empty Miles in Freight Trucking (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. WPS 10775) [Paper]


From Market Making to Matchmaking: Does Bank Regulation Harm Market Liquidity? Review of Financial Studies, 2023 (with Gideon Saar, Jian Sun, and Haoxiang Zhu)  [Paper, Appendix, SSRN] [Bloomberg]

Work in Progress

Roadside Infrastructure, Parking, and Electric Trucks (with Frank Pinter and Sarah Armitage)

Solid(arity) Investments: Improving Unionizing Through the Stock Market (with Daniel Mark Deibler)


Strategic Management (Instructor, University of British Columbia, 2024)

Deconstructing + Reconstructing Markets (Co-Instructor, Harvard University, 2020)

Ph.D. Industrial Organization II (Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 2019)

Moment Inequalities Cookbook: Practical guide to moment inequalities and inference, based on "Alternative Models for Moment Inequalities" (Pakes 2010) and "A Practical Two-Step Method for Testing Moment Inequalities" (Romano-Shaikh-Wolf 2014).

Single-Agent Dynamic Discrete Choice: Discussion of construction, identification, and estimation of single-agent DDC models, using both Rust Nested Fixed Point and Hotz-Miller CCP methods.

Dynamic Games: Discussion of dynamic games estimation using Pakes-Ostrovsky-Berry Inversion and Bajari-Benkard-Levin Simulation methods, and Markov-Perfect industry dynamics a la Ericson-Pakes.