Ron Yang

I am an Assistant Professor in Strategy and Business Economics at the University of British Columbia's Sauder School of Business

My research focuses on industrial organization and transportation economics.

CV: Link (Updated October 2024)


Working Papers

(Don’t) Take Me Home: Home Preference and the Interstate Trucking Market (Updated August 19, 2024) [Paper]

This paper studies how long-haul truck drivers’ preferences to return home affect U.S. interstate trucking costs. I develop a model where drivers are differentiated by their home locations and how they make sequential driving decisions. I estimate drivers’ preference and cost parameters using data on trucking trips and highway inspections, and I find that home preference raises overall shipping prices, particularly in states with fewer drivers. Counterfactual simulations show that policies to increase the number of drivers can lower costs but, due to home preference, the states with the largest incentives to add drivers also generate the fewest positive spillovers.

Note: Sections of this paper were previously circulated as "(Don't) Take Me Home: Home Preference and the Effect of Self-Driving Trucks on Interstate Trade."

Economies of Scale and Scope in Railroading (with Pedro Degiovanni) (New version coming soon!) [Paper]

To what extent do transportation costs depend on the amount shipped, and how does infrastructure investment shape these costs? We model railroads as multiproduct firms and estimate the link between capacity utilization and costs using firm choices, the network structure of production, and publicly available routing data. We find a U-shaped relationship between marginal costs and rail utilization: As utilization increases, costs decrease by 30% to a low point at 55% utilization, before increasing by another 30%. Increased congestion in the rail network can explain a third of the 50% increase in real rail prices observed since 2004. We use our framework to study two normative and one positive policy questions: First, we estimate the network externalities of rail infrastructure investment, finding that investment in Arizona provides the highest returns, but only 3% are captured by Arizona itself. Next, we evaluate the cost efficiencies that would arise from a merger between Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe. We find that such a merger would reduce costs by 17.1% due to reduced misallocation and process innovation. Lastly, we study the effect of the China shock on freight costs. We show that the reallocation of imports toward the West Coast led to a 3% increase in shipment costs in Los Angeles and Chicago, with heterogeneous effects across space and firms.

Geographic Imbalance, Search Frictions, and Regulation: Causes of Empty Miles in Freight Trucking (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. WPS 10775) [Paper]

How prevalent are empty miles in freight trucking markets, and what are the economic frictions that contribute to empty miles? This study collected estimates of empty trips, empty miles, and backhaul probabilities from the economics and transportation literature, covering 40 years and 27 countries. A meta-analysis provides an average empty mile share of 29 percent, with significant variation across settings. High-income countries tend to have lower shares of empty miles than low- and middle-income countries. This study reviews empirical evidence behind three potential mechanisms behind empty trips, geographic imbalances in freight demand, search and matching frictions, and regulatory barriers, and develops a stylized model to capture these sources and evaluate potential policies.


From Market Making to Matchmaking: Does Bank Regulation Harm Market Liquidity? Review of Financial Studies, 2023 (with Gideon Saar, Jian Sun, and Haoxiang Zhu)  [Paper, Appendix, SSRN] [Bloomberg]

Work in Progress

Roadside Infrastructure, Parking, and Electric Trucks (with Frank Pinter and Sarah Armitage)

The Effects of Investments on Labor Union Performance (with Daniel Mark Deibler)


Strategic Management (Instructor, University of British Columbia, 2024)


Deconstructing + Reconstructing Markets (Co-Instructor, Harvard University, 2020)

Ph.D. Industrial Organization II (Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 2019)

Moment Inequalities Cookbook: Practical guide to moment inequalities and inference, based on "Alternative Models for Moment Inequalities" (Pakes 2010) and "A Practical Two-Step Method for Testing Moment Inequalities" (Romano-Shaikh-Wolf 2014).

Single-Agent Dynamic Discrete Choice: Discussion of construction, identification, and estimation of single-agent DDC models, using both Rust Nested Fixed Point and Hotz-Miller CCP methods.

Dynamic Games: Discussion of dynamic games estimation using Pakes-Ostrovsky-Berry Inversion and Bajari-Benkard-Levin Simulation methods, and Markov-Perfect industry dynamics a la Ericson-Pakes.